

A lot of people simply don't like the police. So far as I can tell, this is with good reason, for those in power not only can, but do abuse it. Unfair laws, unconstitutional laws, peaceful protests: police are a weapon against the people. Police very, very rarely do anything positive. Rather, they are used by people against other people, or by the state against the people. In the meantime, the state profits from every bit of it. Police are paid, bureaucrats are given money, and more and more money is siphoned from people who want help to pay for more weapons against more people. $60 court fee, fines for walking across the street, fines for not paying fines, fees to get your paperwork, fees to register into programs, and the list goes on and on and on...

Most notably, however, is that the police make everybody feel uncomfortable. They are like the gun between two people, and whoever reaches it first doesn't die. Ironically, the weapons themselves carry weapons, making the situation even more dangerous. People feel like they have to slow down, move carefully, watch where their eyes are, etc., when a pig is around. One has to justify one's actions to oneself when simply walking by one, thinking something along the lines of "I'm doing nothing wrong, so I don't have to worry."

So why don't we all do ourselves a huge favor and let the police know what we're really thinking. Let's all tiptoe, slowly and obviously, any time a pig is around.

1 comment:

Daniel Clark said...

I actually think that would be hilarious.