
Far, Far Too Long

Yes, it has been that long since I posted a blog worth reading. Amazing, isn't it? Well, I plan on updating a lot more.

Here's an update as to what is going on in Las Vegas. There is a group known as the Alliance of the Libertarian Left. People who consider themselves members call themselves ALLies. Kinda clever, I think. I'll be meeting with them soon to talk about what's what. The guy the contacted me in regards to it is also giving a talk at the Libertarian Party of Nevada's thingamawhatsit. So far as I can tell, these are pretty high-quality people I'm dealing with. Thank you infoshop! Hopefully soon there will be much more going on in Vegas, but then again, that could be too much to hope for.

Outside of Vegas, people are preparing for the DNC and RNC (Democratic/Republican National Convention). Some people are going to participate, other are going to observe, and the rest of us are going to disrupt, if not stop, both events in most possible ways, each person to their own means. I'm looking to get a tight group of people together to travel to Denver and then St. Paul, and hopefully even fly out an indymedia friend/photographer/amazing person. This will take fundraising, coordinating, and a lot of work, but it should also be a lot of fun! Check out www.unconventionalaction.org for more info. The site also has links to the nornc and dncdisruption sites.

My favorite place on earth burnt down (The Alystra), my two favorite painted areas were painted over, and my contacts and connections seem to have fallen into disarray over the past 3 years, so I need to get to work on all three. http://mycellar-door.blogspot.com will have a page up on the Alystra soon and we plan to hold a memorial service. I'll need 10 good people to help me with part two, and my network will be a constant project, I think...

If you read this and you are interested in getting involved, networked, etc., email me.

Enjoy life,
Le Reveur

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