
Extra Credit Option

Entirely extra credit, this idea might put you in awkward situations. The idea is to look at your schedule.... Yes, I want you to look at your schedule... Find an hour or so that is entirely empty and you'll probably end up sitting in your La-Z-Boy thinking about what to do when you get up. I ask you to take that hour and walk up to someone, anyone, and ask them if there's anything you can do for them. For instance: walk into a law office, walk up to the secretary and ask him/her if there's anything you can do to make his/her life a bit less stressful. This isn't a pay it forward deal, just do it. Ask him/her if they need milk from the store, or if they need mail dropped off at the post office. Just see what you can do. You're bound to get some wierd looks, or an oddball that gets angry at you for taking up their time asking to help them. But try it. I'll do the same. And we'll see what happens.


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